Rest In Peace

 Remembering the Black Celebrities we've lost in 2020, thus far. 

Click on the photo of Black Panther to view video. 

A Little FOOD for thought (Sept. 2, 2020)


Ur average banana [7"-7.⅞"] provides approx 105 calories.  FYI: Most people eat bananas, peeling them from the wrong end.  😄

A Little Hump day Brain food (Sept. 2, 2020)

  Anemometer is a weather instrument that measures the wind speed.

WORD of the Day (August 7, 2020)


definition from
Oxford Dictionary of English  - download from: 

fortress /ˈfɔːtrɪs  /
▸ noun a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town.
▪ a person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance:
he had proved himself to be a fortress of moral rectitude.
– ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French forteresse ‘strong place’, based on Latin fortis ‘strong’.

Morning Prayer (July 31, 2020)


WORD of the Day (7/17/20)


make (something) appear less important than it really is.

Why i LOVE supporting BLACK Owned

Check out my Yelp review.  Follow the link...


WORD of the Day (7/2/20)


definition from
Oxford Dictionary of English  - download from: 

DEBACLE /deɪˈbɑːk(ə)l  /
▸ noun a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco:
the only man to reach double figures in the second-innings debacle.
– ORIGIN early 19th century (in sense ‘the breaking up of ice in a river’): from French débâcle, from débâcler ‘unleash’, from dé- ‘un-’ + bâcler ‘to bar’ (from Latin baculum ‘staff’).


 Click on the picture to view in full...

ALL Lives Matter

WORD of the Day (7/1/20)


definition from
Oxford Dictionary of English  - download from: 

horrendous /hɒˈrɛndəs  /
▸ adjective extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible:
she suffered horrendous injuries.
horrendousness noun
– ORIGIN mid 17th century : from Latin horrendus (gerundive of horrere ‘(of hair) stand on end’) + -ous.

WORD of the Day (6/30/20)

 IMPOSING /ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ  /

▸ adjective grand and impressive in appearance:
an imposing 17th-century manor house.
imposingly adverb
imposingness noun

WORD of the Day (6/29/20)


definition from
Oxford Dictionary of English  - download from: 

infringe /ɪnˈfrɪn(d)ʒ  /
▸ verb
(infringes, infringing, infringed)
[with object]
1 actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.):
making an unauthorized copy would infringe copyright.
2 act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on:
such widespread surveillance could infringe personal liberties
[no object] I wouldn't infringe on his privacy.
infringer /ɪnˈfrɪndʒə  / noun
– ORIGIN mid 16th century : from Latin infringere, from in- ‘into’ + frangere ‘to break’.

WORD of the Day (6/28/20)


definition from
Oxford Dictionary of English  - download from: 

frantic /ˈfrantɪk  /
▸ adjective distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion:
she was frantic with worry.
▪ conducted in a hurried, excited, and disorganized way:
frantic attempts to resuscitate the girl.
franticness /ˈfrantɪknəs  / noun
– ORIGIN late Middle English frentik, ‘insane, violently mad’, from Old French frenetique ( see frenetic).

What would your's look like?

 Click on Black Lives Matter to view video. And remember, be descriptive.

IG: 929Enterprises
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Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Stay In Your Lane #9SIY2Lane9

Bad Business!!!!

 DO NOT trust nor do any business with AGN Auto Gallery. They are shiesty and will try to con you. Click on the picture of the AGN marquee to learn more about why there is nothing good i could say about this "so-called" business.

IG: 929Enterprises
Twitter @9Enterprises
Like my Page on FB: Stay In Your Lane
Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Stay In Your Lane #9SIY2Lane9

Happy 55th Birthday Mama!!!! (June 17, 2020)

Click on the pic of my mom to view my shoutout to the #1 Lady in my world.


WORD of the Day (June 18, 2020)


definition from
Oxford Dictionary of English  - download from: 

iteration /ɪtəˈreɪʃ(ə)n  /
▸ noun [mass noun] the repetition of a process or utterance.
▪ repetition of a mathematical or computational procedure applied to the result of a previous application, typically as a means of obtaining successively closer approximations to the solution of a problem.
▪ [count noun] a new version of a piece of computer hardware or software.
– ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin iteratio(n-), from the verb iterare ( see iterate).

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad (June 16, 2020)

 36 years ago day my parents stood before God and a hell of a lot of loved ones; and vowed to Love & Support one another no matter what, believing with the Guidance of the Lord, the Love between them, and the support of their families they would&could beat ALL odds.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to The GREAT Pastor Doyle Lane & First Lady Phyllis Lane a. k. a. Lady Lane. 

Tap on the picture of my mom and dad in order to view my tribute to my parents.

Psalm 62:1

 My Soul finds rest in GOD alone; my salvation comes from HIM. 

Psalm 62:1

HAPPY JUNE-TEENTH.... (June 16, 2020)

 Click on the picture to view this video.


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IG: 929Enterprises
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¿A Good Samaritan?

 Please check out the link at the end. U really do want to see that.

 A "good Samaritan." 
That’s how an attorney tried to describe a white woman who stalked then killed an unarmed Black man. But from our vantage point? It’s no different than the 2020 murder of Ahmaud Arbery.

Allegedly, it all started with a minor hit-and-run in 2019. After witnessing 62-year-old Kenneth Herring drive away from a fender bender, Hannah Payne chased him down, boxed his vehicle in, then pulled out a gun. Herring was dead soon after. Sound familiar?

This hunt, then murder, is strikingly reminiscent of a 2012 killing known around the world. Trayvon Martin was similarly stalked and murdered by George Zimmerman. No wonder Payne has garnered the nickname of the “female George Zimmerman.” Because these two exemplify the problem with vigilantism.

Trayvon Martin Feb. 5, 1995 - Feb. 26, 2012

Anti-Black vigilantes feel so empowered in their righteousness, they believe they're not only above the law, but that they ARE the law. Such entitlement has led to many Black deaths, including that of Ahmaud Arbery

May 8, 1994 - Feb. 23, 2020

Anti-Black vigilantes are NOT good Samaritans. They’re on the prowl for trouble, not peace. For killers like Zimmerman, Payne, and the McMichaels pair? These Black people were problems that needed vigilante justice. Disturbing footage reveals that, just as Zimmerman hunted then killed Trayvon Martin, and Hannah Payne hunted then killed Kenneth Herring, the McMichaels father-son duo also hunted then killed Ahmaud Arbery. Which leads to this important point......
Police and Ku Klux Klansmen all have guns. Racist vigilantes do too. Whether you choose to bear arms or not, there is something these oppressors don't want you to know about Black folks and gun ownership......

And once again, Black folks are left wondering if we'll ever see true justice for such senseless murders;
Or will we have to take matters into our own hands?

George Perry Floyd
Oct. 14, 1973 - May 25, 2020

Kenneth Herring Died May 7, 2019 (62y.o.)

WORD of the Day (June 5, 2020)


A Conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning

WORD of the Day (May 22, 2020)


marital /ˈmarɪt(ə)l  /
▸ adjective relating to marriage or the relations between a married couple:
she wanted to talk about their marital problems.
maritally /ˈmarɪt(ə)li  / adverb
– ORIGIN early 16th century : from Latin maritalis, from maritus ‘husband’.

Mother's Day 2020


Watch the video to view my 2020 Mother's Day shout outs.

How the Police handled this situation was unreal; yet believable, considering.


Click on the Starship logo above to view this video.

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IG: 929Enterprises
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Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Stay In Your Lane 

READ!!!! Only if you believe in the power of the Blood of Jesus.

 CORONAVIRUS..........if that’s your real name......I really don’t care what you call yourself because your name, your title, your will, your existence HAS to bow to the name of Jesus!! That is His law and His promise, that is if we who choose to abide in Him, He Will abide in us and we can ask anything in His name and it will be done!

First of all, I have heard for weeks now how this “pandemic” is basically going to wipe us the bird flu and several others in recent years. I come against all news outlets who enjoy speaking the enemy’s propaganda. I don’t deny that there is a deadly virus on the loose....I deny it’s ability to prosper against me or my family or those I love. I condemn you coronavirus in the name of Jesus. Go back to hell where you originated. I praise you God for the power that resides within each of us who indeed belongs to You and I use that same power and authority for my favor! Your word says in Psalms 91: 5-7

5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor the arrow that flies in the day.
6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
7 Though a thousand fall at your side,
though ten thousand are dying around you,
these evils will not touch you!!!!

I stand on these words from You!!

Lastly, let’s move on from speaking this beast into existence and began to speak it into exile!!!
I don't know about tomorrow, but I know who holds tomorrow In His hands And is in control of it All!

JESUS, YOU ARE LORD OVER EVERYTHING INCLUDING THIS Coronavirus and every other virus created by man. We give you Praise, Glory and Honor and know that THIS and other viruses OR DISEASE will STOP in their tracks, wither at the roots and die to be no more.

Praise God for His Word!! Praise is our Weapon👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Copy and pass this on your page.  It’s time for us prayer warriors to take a stand and WATCH what God can and will do!👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿

Author unknown. Amen AMEN AMEN AMEN SOMEBODY


March 15, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: 1 confirmed death out of the 99 confirmed CORONAVIRUS cases in Georgia.
The Georgia Department of Public Health released new information Sunday at noon.  Here is a county-by-county breakdown of where they are.

Is there a cure for THIS virus???

 {Part 1}

Being a Black Man in America ain't easy.

Click on the Black Power pic below to view video, you'll see what I mean.

{Part 2}

Would this had've happened if he was a Paleface man?

This is what happened to Mr. James Abram of Dallas, TX. Please share your opinion on whether or not you think things would have played out the same way if he was a Paleface (white) man.  Click on the picture of Mr. Abram to view the full video.

Health Inspection Score

Click on the picture to view video. Check out this places health Inspection Score.



What Does 2020 mean to you, personally? (March 3, 2020)

2020 The Year of Perfect Vision. 

Click on the picture below to watch my video about 2020 Vision.

Leave a comment in the comment box letting me know what that statement means to you on a personal level. Also be on the lookout over the next two days or so, as I should be broadcasting live, wanting feedback from you about what it means to you, personally. 2020 The Year of Perfect Vision.

Quote of The Day (Feb. 19, 2020)

 "When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look for stars."

S.C. Robinson 

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Not Grand, Not really a Bargain..... (FEB. 18, 2020)

 My new Recommendation on where not to spend your $money$

Click on the picture of me to view my comments about a store where u shouldn't spend your 💵$Money💰$.


The Lunchbox

 Bae and I decided to try a spot neither of us have ever been to for our V-Day lunch. Tap the Valentine's Day picture to hear about 'The Lunchbox'. Highly recommended by 929 Enterprises.

Decided to grab something to eat from the Lunchbox again. Tap on the pic below that said "cash only" to view the video from my most recent visit.

How my Marvelous Monday a.k.a. the Third week of 2020 got started....(Jan. 13, 2020)

 A Marvelous Monday & A Terrific Third week of 2020.

Click on the picture below to view video.

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Quote of the Day (Jan. 11, 2020)


WORD OF THE DAY (JAN. 11, 2020)

 Vocabulary Building

Word of the Day: 
Belated-i. (adjective) coming or happening later than should have been the case-Weeks after the funeral we were still receiving belated notes of comfort.


I'm in a bad space, mentally, and could really use some helpful advice.  Click on the pic below to automatically view video.


Like my page on FB: Stay In Your Lane
Follow me on IG: 929Enterprises
Follow me on Twitter @9Enterprises
Subscribe to my YouTube page: Stay In Your Lane


You Mad & Hating
Click on the picture below to access video.

Subscribe YouTube: Stay In Your Lane
IG @929Enterprises 


Click on the link above or the Birthday picture above to play the HBBD video.

EXCLUSIVE Interview!!!!! Newly Crowned Mr. Black Universe 2019-2021

 D. Andrews St. James MBU '19-'21

SIYL recently had the honor of interviewing the newly crowned Mr. Black Universe; Mr. D. Andrews St. James.  In a conversational, sip and speak style interview, St. James his perspective on male pageantry, the responsibilities of his new role, and his realization of a long awaited dream.

To view the interview in it's entirety, click the picture below.

Although we weren't able to interview his reigning Universe Queen; April Chanel or Grande Queen; Zaniyah D. Iman, Chanel has agreed to a later interview so she, too, can offer her insight on her amazing journey to the Universe court.  We were; however, able to gather the most recent photographs of the royal court and share them with our forum.

If you ask me, it looks as though they have been Ruling the Universe with "Perfect Vision" thus far. Kudos to the Rulers!

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 Click on my pic to hear my review.